Sunday, 18 July 2021

Letter to an MP on Taking the knee

 A letter to a Conservative MP who thinks it's ok to take the knee


 Dear X

I am writing because the BLM/taking the knee issue is a fundamental threat to our nation and country. Although you will know that BLM did not invent knee taking, the two are joined at the hip. Support for it rests an uncritical idea that it represents simple opposition to racism-with the implication of: why can any reasonable anti-racist person oppose it?

Firstly, BLM founder Patrice Cullers clearly stated that BLM is a revolutionary org. and they are trained Marxists, with their greatest heroes being the Black Panthers (who murdered at least 12 people in the Green Bay area alone) and her heroine is Attua Shakur (b. Joanne Chesimard) the cop killer who escaped to Communist Cuba. The UK branch supports defunding the Police as does US BLM.

Taking the knee also supports the false narrative that US police kill Black people disproportionately, which has been refuted by solid research by Uni of Michigan: Cesario et al. 2019, and Yale: Fryer 2016. Instead of calming the situation and denying the false narrative (and indeed adding that police hunt down Black people) Leftists in politics and the media contributed to a general racialisation of society which led to cancel culture, the idea that US and Western society is systemically racist, and to violence.

Of course our police are not routinely armed, so we do not have that overall narrative here, although rare police shootings are regularly ascribed to racism. The Guardian, New Statesman, Left Foot Forward etc regularly claim systemic racism re custody deaths-making the common left-wing error that because Black deaths (10 from 2008-18 if we exclude 3 from swallowing drug packages) are above the % of Black people in the country, then this must mean systemic racism, ignoring their proportional death rate re their contact with the Police [White deaths slightly more].

Significantly, taking the knee goes hand in hand with the idea-promoted with the fervour of faith, that England/Britain is systemically racist. The grotesque reaction to the Sewell Report, including by Labour MP’s, shows this. We hear repeatedly how hard it is to live one’s life as a young person, a Black person, transgender etc in modern Britain, instead of celebrating our freedoms and tolerance.. It’s very easy for someone to blame their not getting a job or the respect they believe they deserve on racism. It is absolutely necessary for the Left to destroy a sense of optimism and opportunity, as they must the American Dream. This country must always be one which is systemically racist, where the Far Right is always on the rise, where heroic progressive anti-racists are struggling against the huge barriers which face people of colour. This mythology must always be the truth.

So what does taking the knee really represent, and how should Conservatives react to it? It is telling that when your colleague Dominic Raab said that he only bowed to his wife and the Queen (we might add God), he was pilloried for it from the Left. But this is essentially what we c/Conservatives believe. That bowing in these cases is appropriate but otherwise it represents submission, and that proud English/British people stand tall. Standing tall shows confidence in a proud and independent nation bowing to no-one. That is something which the Left must destroy.

If I can use a military analogy here. The square is safe as long as it keeps a hedge of bayonet points which the enemy’s horse will not charge. The square lives as one and dies as one. If a section wavers, the enemy’s cavalry spots the gap and pours in. If the Leftists can pick off Conservatives by finding some who don’t see the danger and who waver, they have won. The Conservative Cabinet is the most diverse in Europe with 5 non-White members, including the Chancellor, compared to none in France, Germany, Italy etc. But here’s the thing. No Labour/Leftist will acknowledge this, let alone praise it. It’s as if they haven’t noticed. Indeed, it is perfectly acceptable for them to gaslight Priti Patel-in their terms a person of colour, and to accuse her of dog whistle politics. If we reasonably laugh at the idea that a Brown Woman (in their terms) could be a White supremacist, this is perfectly possible because in the Left view she is supporting laws and values which are systemically racist. Crucially, taking the knee affirms this.  

The Leftists have connected a gesture which affirms our country’s racism and apologises for it each and every time it is done. It also ‘proves’ the fallacy that anyone opposes it must be racist-hence the need for all Conservatives to stand firm together. We don’t just see it at football matches but now at a school where a Year 8 assembly had to do it en masse. Soon we will see it everywhere, including businesses and even local community groups forced to prove their anti-racism. I hope that you will realise that even if you support taking the knee, it will never be enough once a racializing narrative informs every aspect of our society as in the US with catastrophic results for community relations and public order. There will be another gesture or initiative we must sign up to so as to prove we are not racists, and another, and another until there is one which in good conscience you cannot sign up to. Then it won’t matter what you did in the past because it won’t count. Your refusal will simply confirm that we are Tory racists, Tory bigots, Tory scum, which is how they always see us.

I hope that you will consider the evidence and change your mind. This would mean a great deal. American Conservatives took a long time to wake up to the racialisation of society and America is paying the price. If we don’t stop it now, we will reap the consequences. Of course it’s a tough ask when the England team is involved, but it is our duty to educate people with the truth and to oppose dangerous mythologising,

Best Regards

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