Given that eugenics-the pseudo-science of ‘race improvement,’ contributed greatly to mass murder in the Holocaust I make the following modest proposal. All statues and memorials to historical supporters of eugenics must be removed. Anyone who has a postage stamp issued by Royal Mail dedicated to any of them should take a moral lead and remove it from their collection.
Writer George Bernard Shaw stated that “the only fundamental and possible socialism is the socialisation of the selective breeding of man" and defectives should be dealt with by means of a "lethal chamber." Marie Stopes-honoured with a stamp in 2008, wanted the "hordes of defectives" to be reduced, placing less of a burden on "the fit." She even disinherited her son because he married a short-sighted woman, thereby risking a less than perfect grandchild. She is a great progressive heroine for her support of family planning, and pro-abortion campaigners regularly cite her. But she actually despised poor people.
H. G. Wells was another supporter of eugenics to get rid of “detrimental types and characteristics.” His novel ‘The Time Machine,’ with the well-bred Eloi and the barbaric Molochs, is a eugenicist manifesto and must be purged from libraries and film collections
Beatrice and Sidney Webb viewed eugenics as natural as town planning. The Socialist Fabian Society should therefore disown them. Both the Left-wing New Statesman journal and the Guardian newspaper supported eugenics, as did founder of the Left Book Club and Labour Party Chairman Harold Laski who described the production of weaklings as a crime against society. Obviously, all these must go.
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