Race-The Human Race When I was a teacher we did ethnic monitoring in
school-indeed, I usually compiled it. But no teacher or classroom assistant I
worked with saw the categories as anything more than tools. They were useful in
trying to ensure equal opportunity for all pupils. Everyone, regardless of
political orientation, believed that that there is one ‘race:’ the Human Race. Now
we see ‘Black’ and other descriptors turned into ‘real’ ethnicities based on
the superficial difference of skin colour. The BLM narrative oddly mirrors Enoch
Powell-who did not believe in biological race or a hierarchy of races, but that
most people see skin colour as a badge of identity.
We have a large Mixed population and fast disappearing negative racial views shown in the
British Social Attitudes Survey. Non-White pupils and students are actually
pulling ahead over White ones. This has proved Powell mainly wrong on
integration. But the hyper-racialisation being promoted in ‘Multi-Communalism’ is
re-entrenching ethnic differences. Irony of ironies, a kind of ‘Powellism’ is
making a comeback in a completely unexpected way.